University College Cork (UCC) – Paper Presentation (Building immersive interfaces for an individual of many hats)
University of Toronto, Canada – Hackathon Participation (Archives Unleashed: Web Archive Hackathon)
UCC – Paper Presentation (Seán Ó Riada – The Hidden Narratives)
Bologna, Italy – Selected to present at the “27th Media Ecology Conference”.
Bologna, Italy – Sub-reviewer for 27th Media Ecology Conference
Dataset creation – development of 5 separate excel files containing letters, a cataloguing of scores, life events, a projects list, and the Ó Riada book library.
Database Design and Entry- translating the requirements from each excel file into separate database tables.
API creation – developed a web service for Ó Riada data in JSON format.
UCC – Carried out javascript framework development.
Ireland – Conducted interviews with key informants as fieldwork research on PhD project.
UCC – Attended “How to plan your PhD” workshop
UCC – Score digitisation (prepared files for digitisation in the Sean O Riada Collection in collaboration with UCC library)